3 Signs You May Have Torn Your ACL

3 Signs You May Have Torn Your ACL

If you’ve been feeling a sudden pop in your knee, accompanied by intense pain, there’s a good chance you may have torn your ACL. While this injury is not always easy to diagnose, there are some key signs that can help you determine if you need to see a doctor. In this post, we will discuss the symptoms of a torn ACL as well as the treatment options available. We hope this information helps you get the care that you need!

1. Pain and Swelling

The most common symptom of a torn ACL is intense pain, either at the time of injury or shortly afterward. You may also experience swelling and bruising around your knee, which can be a sign that something is not right. Furthermore, the area may feel stiff or weak. All of these symptoms can be indicators that you need to see a healthcare professional for torn ACL in Baltimore to get the proper diagnosis and treatment. They can help you determine the severity of your injury and suggest the best treatment options for you.

2. Hearing a “Pop”

Many people who tear their ACL report hearing a loud “pop” at the time of injury. This is usually indicative of a serious tear that requires medical attention. You may also feel a loosening or instability in the knee, which can be especially noticeable when you walk. If any of these issues persist, it’s important to seek medical attention immediately. Also, it will help if you can remember the exact time and date that you heard the pop in your knee. This information can be helpful when diagnosing your injury.

3. Difficulty Bearing Weight

If you have a torn ACL, it can be difficult to bear weight on your knee. You may find that you can’t stand or walk as normally as before and that your range of motion is limited. As a result, it can be difficult to participate in activities you used to enjoy. Additionally, your knee may feel very unstable and “give out” when you try to use it. All of these symptoms can be signs that you have torn your ACL and should seek medical attention right away.

To Sum It Up

If you are experiencing any of the signs we have discussed above, it’s important to seek medical attention. A torn ACL can be a very serious injury, so you should take it seriously. A qualified healthcare professional for orthopedic surgery in Baltimore will be able to evaluate your knee and prescribe the appropriate treatment. With the right care, you can get back to living a pain-free, active life.