Advice on Keeping the Pounds Off

Advice on Keeping the Pounds Off

Take stock of your accomplishments: You have lost the weight you set out to lose, and now you feel like nothing can stop you. Make sure to get help from dieting plans highlands ranch.

What do we do now?

Sorry about the bad news, but studies suggest that only approximately 20% of overweight people achieve long-term weight loss. When it comes to weight loss, “long term” means dropping at least 10% of starting weight and keeping it off for 12 months or more.

Defense mechanisms, including greater hunger, lower-energy metabolism, returning to old habits, and day-to-day pressures, seem to work against you even more than when you were in weight-loss mode.

This is a stumbling block for 80% of formerly overweight people.

How to Maintain Your Current Weight?

Here are a few practical tips to maintain your existing weight and stay healthy. 

  1. Prioritize plant-based foods.

Fruits and vegetables, which have a low-calorie density but are high in volume, fiber, and water, might help you feel full without eating too many calories.

You probably can not remember the last time you ate more than two apples or almost a whole head of lettuce at once. (Juicing does not count because the beneficial fiber is lost when produce is put through a juicer.)

If you include more of these foods in your diet, you will be less prone to overeat on unhealthy snacks.

  1. Make (more) meals at home.

You may find countless nutritious recipes on the Internet today. Find food blogs that showcase recipes you like, regardless of whether you consider yourself a foodie.

In order to lose weight and keep it off, it is important to make healthy choices about quantities, quality of ingredients, cooking methods, and menu.

  1. Up your protein intake.

Meal replacements and high-protein diets are useful tools for preventing weight gain.

This sounds like the diet plan you used to shed pounds, right? That is why the most effective “diets” are, in reality, permanent changes to one’s way of life.

  1. Limit your intake of sugary drinks.

Empty-calorie liquids that lack the fiber and protein that help you feel full, such as soda, alcohol, sugar-laden lattes, and sugar-laden “fruit-flavored” juices.

  1. Feel good in your own skin

The composition of the bacteria in your intestines plays an important role in determining whether or not weight loss is maintained.

Stock your fridge and pantry with probiotic-rich foods like yogurt kefir and fermented vegetables like kimchi and prebiotic-rich foods like fiber-rich fruits and vegetables to encourage the growth of beneficial gut bacteria.