Do You Know What are the Dental Issues Among the Children?

Do You Know What are the Dental Issues Among the Children?

Maintaining proactive oral health care for children is essential to address common dental issues promptly. Early management is key to ensuring their ongoing oral health and well-being.

This post will explore common dental issues in children and how Polkadot Pediatric Dentistry in Alpharetta, GA, with its expert team of kids dentist in Alpharetta, GA, can provide comprehensive dental care for children.

1. Tooth Decay (Cavities)

Young children may struggle with proper brushing and flossing, leading to potential cavities exacerbated by sugar-heavy diets. Plaque buildup causes tooth decay, eroding enamel over time.

Parents should supervise brushing until children can manage on their own, ensuring plaque removal to prevent decay. Cavities may require fillings involving drilling and composite material to restore tooth structure.

2. Tooth Sensitivity

Sensitive teeth in children can disrupt focus and routine. Causes include decay, new permanent teeth, acid erosion, bruxism, filling issues, or orthodontic treatment.

Regular checkups aid diagnosis.

Treatments vary for dental-related sensitivity, prompt dentist visits are crucial to prevent worsening issues.

3. Dental Emergencies

Dental emergencies, from sports injuries to falls, can cause chipped, broken, or knocked-out teeth.

For a knocked-out permanent tooth, call the dentist immediately and store the tooth in milk or saline solution.

A custom mouthguard can help prevent sports-related injuries. Explore additional tips for safeguarding your child’s smile.

4. Pediatric Gingivitis and Gum Disease

Gingivitis and gum disease are not exclusive to adults; they can affect children too. Poor oral hygiene can exacerbate gum issues, leading to pain, swelling, and gum recession.

Regular brushing and flossing are crucial for prevention, as well as addressing crooked teeth that hinder proper cleaning.

5. Orthodontic Problems

Orthodontic issues in children, such as overbites, underbites, and spacing problems, often stem from genetics and jaw size.

Early orthodontic evaluation around age seven or eight can address concerns, as misalignments may lead to jaw issues and oral health complications beyond aesthetics.

6. Excessive Thumb Sucking

Thumb-sucking and pacifier use can lead to dental issues if prolonged past toddlerhood, causing problems like open bite where upper and lower front teeth don’t align. Early cessation is crucial to prevent complications in biting, chewing, and speech.

7. Dental Anxiety and Phobias

Dental anxiety is common among adults and can also affect children and teens, making it difficult to attend routine checkups and cleanings. Addressing these fears early can prevent long-term impact on dental health.

8. Correcting Misalignments Matter

Malocclusion, or teeth and jaw misalignment, can impact oral function and aesthetics. Pediatric dentistry offers braces and aligners to correct malocclusion in children, ensuring proper alignment and enhancing oral health and smile aesthetics.

9. Correcting Oral Habits

Pediatric dentists employ various methods, including tongue exercises and orthodontic procedures, to address tongue thrusting—a habit where the tongue pushes against teeth, causing issues like open bite and speech difficulties.

Early intervention helps promote normal oral growth and fosters a confident smile in children.

Modeling good oral hygiene habits and ensuring regular dental visits for your child fosters lifelong dental health. Collaborating with pediatric dentists helps prevent common childhood dental issues.