Everything You Need to Know About a Mini Facelift

Everything You Need to Know About a Mini Facelift

If you are unhappy with the excess or sagging skin in the lower half of your face, you may have considered getting a mini facelift. A Scottsdale mini face lift is a corrective cosmetic procedure considered effective in correcting sagging skin in your cheeks and jawline. The procedure uses smaller incisions, unlike a traditional facelift; therefore, it causes less scarring and requires a shorter recovery period. If you are thinking about getting a mini facelift, read on to learn more.

How does a mini facelift work?

A mini facelift is a cosmetic surgical procedure that combats aging signs by lifting the skin upwards using small incisions. Cosmetic surgeons also remove excess skin during the process to tighten the skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. A mini facelift can be combined with other procedures like a brow lift to help maximize the results. That is because a mini facelift only targets the lower half of your face, mainly the cheeks and jawline.

What to expect during a mini facelift

A mini facelift is an invasive procedure, meaning it requires general anesthesia. Once the medication takes effect, the surgeon makes small incisions around your ears and hairline. They will then manipulate the underlying tissues in your skin by lifting and pulling them while removing sagging skin. Once the surgeon achieves your desired goal, they will use sutures to close up all the incisions.

Unlike a comprehensive facelift, a mini facelift involves smaller incisions, making it a preferred option for individuals prone to scarring. The incisions are usually made along the hairline or above your ears. The surgeon pulls the skin tissues through the cheeks and removes extra skin to correct sagging.

Potential risks or side effects

A mini facelift poses several risks and side effects like any surgical procedure. The most common ones include pain, swelling, and bruising; you will notice these immediately after surgery, but they usually subside after several days. An infection may also develop at the incision sites if you don’t follow your surgeon’s aftercare instructions. It is important to call your doctor right away if you experience signs of an infection or excessive bleeding. Examples of signs and symptoms of an infection after a mini facelift include:

  • Fever and chills
  • Increased swelling
  • Severe pain
  • Numbness due to nerve damage
  • Bleeding and oozing from the incision sites

What happens after a mini facelift?

After a mini facelift, you will have dressings over our stitches; these need to stay for up to 10 days or as per your surgeon’s recommendation. If your surgeon places a drain, you will likely pre-schedule another appointment to have them removed. During the recovery period, your surgeon may caution against activities like high-intensity workouts since these can worsen your symptoms.

Many people recover from a mini facelift after several weeks, after which they don’t need any follow-up surgeries unless they develop complications during recovery. The results of a mini facelift are considered permanent, but you can discuss with your surgeon future non-invasive options like Botox and dermal fillers. These can help maximize your results and reduce aging signs.

If you want a mini facelift, consult your Arizona Ocular & Facial Plastic Surgery surgeon to know if you are a good candidate for the procedure.