Five Risk Factors For Breast Cancer

Five Risk Factors For Breast Cancer

Cancer is an abnormal growth of cells. When it occurs in the breast cells, it is known as breast cancer. After lung cancer, breast cancer is the second most common cause of death in women. However, early detection can help in treating the condition. Women should keep checking themselves for any symptoms of breast cancer. If you notice any changes in your breast, you should visit an oncologist in Lahore.

What are the Symptoms of Breast Cancer?

The common symptom of breast cancer is thickened area in breast tissue or a lump in the breast tissue or armpit. Other symptoms of breast cancer are;

  • A lump in the breast or armpit 
  • A thickening feeling on breast tissue that is different from the surrounding tissues
  • Change in the size of the breast
  • Change in the shape and appearance of the breast 
  • Dimpling of breast skin
  • Inversion of nipples 
  • Peeling, crusting, flaking, or scaling of the breast tissue or areola- the pigmented area around the nipple
  • Redness of breast tissues
  • Pitting of breast skin
  • Feeling of warmth in breast tissues

If you notice any changes in your breast tissue or any of the above-mentioned signs, you should visit the healthcare provider as soon as possible. Not every change in the breast is an indication of breast cancer. But it is essential to rule out the cause. 

Risk Factors for Breast Cancer

The exact cause of breast cancer is unknown. It occurs when any mutation occurs in your gene. The risk factors associated with breast cancer are;

Increasing age 

The risk of breast cancer increases as you age. When you are of 20 years, the risk of developing breast cancer in the next decade for you is around 0.06%. Whereas when you reach 70 years of age, the risk of developing breast cancer for you increases up to 3.84%.

However, the risk varies from person to person depending on their family history and other medical conditions.

Female gender

Breast cancer not only occurs in females. It can also occur in males, which is quite uncommon. Being a female increases the risk of breast cancer as compared to men. 

Personal history

If you have had a biopsy of breast tissue and it was found to be lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) or atypical hyperplasia of the breast, you are at increased risk of breast cancer. Moreover, if you have had breast cancer of one breast, it increases the chances for another too. You need to take good care of yourself through regular screenings to prevent breast cancer if you are at increased risk. 

Family history

Having a family history of breast cancer puts you at risk of developing it. If any of your sister, mother, or daughter has been diagnosed with breast cancer, the risk for you increases. However still many people being diagnosed with it have no family history. You cannot ignore any changes in your breasts if you do not have any family history of breast cancer. 

Periods and Menopause

Girls who get their periods at a young age- before the age of 12 and menopause at an older age, are at risk of developing breast cancer. It happens because when you keep getting periods, the levels of estrogen are higher in your body. 

High levels of estrogen in your body can put you at risk of developing breast cancer. Therefore if you got your periods at an early age and have not got menopause at the age of fifty, you should attend regular screening tests for breast cancer. 

Never Being Pregnant or Late Pregnancies

Women who have never been pregnant are at risk of developing breast cancer. Moreover, those who give birth to a child after the age of 30 are at risk of developing breast cancer. 


Breast cancer progression can be prevented through self-examination of breasts and attending regular screening tests. You should examine yourself frequently for any changes in the breasts. When you keep screening yourself, you can notice any changes in your breasts early that can, in turn, lead to early detection of breast cancer and getting Breast Cancer Treatment Services anchorage ak.

Early detection of breast cancer makes it easier to treat. Otherwise, cancer that has spread to other parts of your body, can be difficult to treat. If you notice any changes in your one breast or both, you should visit an oncologist in Karachi.