Herbal Blends that You Must Try to Deal with the Side Effects of Quitting Cigarettes

Herbal Blends that You Must Try to Deal with the Side Effects of Quitting Cigarettes

The inability to quit cigarettes is one of the biggest nightmares that smokers actually go through. The journey to quitting gets trickier as days pass by and the body starts craving for nicotine – the active substance in cigarettes that causes dependence. Some of the worst side-effects (withdrawal symptoms) that get too hard to deal with day after day include the following. 

  1. Extreme anxiety accompanied by sweating and panic.
  2. Stomach upset and body cramps/pain.
  3. Constant nausea and lethargy.
  4. Irritation and mood swings.
  5. Inability to focus and concentrate.
  6. Cough and dizziness accompanied by extreme headache. 
  7. Insomnia and even depression.

Scary, aren’t they? And the worst thing is, every smoker experiences these symptoms – there’s no exception. These issues can last for over 5 weeks after quitting cigarettes and most smokers are unable to cope up with them and end up smoking again. So, what you need in those times of extreme cravings when it gets too hard are organic herbal smoking blends like the Meo Marley’s organic smoking blends. You can smoke these blends the minute such cravings and side effects appear and they’ll help you go past the stage where it gets impossible to not smoke a cigarette. A few such blends that have helped many smokers in the past and are still helping many others are listed below. 

  1. PotPourri Herbal Smoking Blend

This is one of the recent additions to the powerful lot of organic smoking blends at Meo Marley that helps in dealing with the worst withdrawal symptoms that include anxiety, cravings that can last for over 15 minutes, and headache. 

All these wonderful benefits are the result of the following organic herbs that are used to make this mixture. 

  1. Skullcap – This is a medically proven anti-anxiety herb that also helps in dealing with constipation and convulsions that often occur as a result of sudden nicotine deprivation.
  2. Mullein – It calms down the lungs that helps in easing bouts of cough.
  3. Mugwort – It deals with the worst of cramps, headaches, and lethargy.
  4. Rose Petals – They are highly aromatic and offer instant relief from nausea and also help with vomiting cessation. 
  5. OG Herbal Smoking Blend

This has been one of longest running Meo Marley Organic Blends that is made of marshmallows, mullein, raspberry leaves, and chamomile.

  1. Chamomile combats nausea, headache and muscular cramps, and induces sleep that helps insomniacs.
  2. Raspberry leaves make you less anxious and less irritable. They also reduce constipation and hunger pangs that keep getting quite worse from time to time.
  3. Marshmallows control coughing and reduce headache. They also help in reducing inflammation of the entire gut that’s caused due to long term cigarette smoking.

All in all, organic blends are the only products that can help you in quitting cigarettes without making your body dependent upon other substance(s) that can trouble you later on.