How Much Is Plastic Surgery For The Nose?

How Much Is Plastic Surgery For The Nose?

The cost of plastic surgery–including a nose job–varies widely. There are many factors that may contribute to how much a rhinoplasty may cost. For example, your surgeon’s experience, the extent of the procedure, combined procedures, and even your geographic location can all contribute to the cost of plastic surgery bellevue for the nose. 

Rhinoplasty is among one of the most commonly performed plastic surgeries in the United States. Men and women alike undergo the procedure, and it is one of the top plastic surgeries for men. When planning the procedure, one of the top questions is, “How much is plastic surgery for the nose?”

Determining The Price Of A Nose Job

As previously discussed, there are many factors that impact the cost of a nose job. One of the top deciding factors is the extent required for the surgery. Not every rhinoplasty is the same. Some patients may want to get rid of a hump on their nose, while others may want to correct damage after breaking their nose. Therefore, Dr. Allegra may use varying techniques to achieve the best results. 

First off, a nose job comes in two main types: open rhinoplasty and closed rhinoplasty. An open rhinoplasty means that Dr. Allegra will make an incision to open up the entire anatomy of the nose. Most nose jobs that Dr. Allegra performs are open rhinoplasties. Closed rhinoplasty refers to when the surgical correction can be performed without opening up the structure of the nose. This is usually done for smaller, less extensive surgeries. At some practices and in some situations, this may contribute to the cost of your nose job.

A deviated septum not only causes breathing problems, but it can also cause cosmetic ones as well. Therefore, it is common to combine a septoplasty with a nose job. This may add to the cost of your overall surgery. Additionally, osteotomy involves breaking the nose to alter its positioning and appearance. This is not necessary for every nose surgery. If it is for yours, this may increase the cost. 

Cost Of A Rhinoplasty In Seattle

At Northwest Face & Body, the cost of rhinoplasty in Bellevue with either Dr. Allegra starts at $8,995. This cost can go up depending on various factors, however, this does include septoplasty with Dr. Allegra. 

Both Dr. Allegra has years of experience performing rhinoplasty surgeries. Also, Dr. Allegra is a board certified otolaryngologist, which allows him to evaluate any sinus or breathing problems you may have as a result of a deviated septum or similar issue. They can also often correct breathing issues with a rhinoplasty. This can decrease snoring, lead to better quality sleep, and make it easier to exercise.

After a consultation with a Bellevue plastic surgeon at Northwest Face & Body, you can get a price that better fits your needs and situation. The $8,995 pricing is typically the minimum for a nose job in Bellevue. To schedule a consultation, call us at 206-324-1120. You can also contact us online at