How To Control Your Bladder – Tips and Exercises?

How To Control Your Bladder – Tips and Exercises?

Did you know that an adult can hold between 1.5 – 2 cups of urine before they have to rush to the bathroom? While your bladder can stretch a little bit more than this to hold some more urine but that is going to be an uncomfortable space if you do so.

On the other hand, there are lots of people who feel like they cannot even hold 50 ml of urine without having to rush to the washroom. They may not be able to control the urge and may leak in their clothes. This condition is known as urinary incontinence and it is a common problem many people face.

Urinary incontinence is treatable and can be managed by using incontinence products. But when you train your bladder, you would not have to rush to the bathroom every time you take a sip of any liquid. You must also order for the best incontinence pants from Confidence Club Australia to support you in managing your incontinence. They have a wide variety of incontinence products to suit your needs.

When And How To Hold Urine Urge

Although there is a very fine line between holding the urge to urinate and holding it for too long. Most doctors will recommend using the bathroom every 3-4 hours to empty your bladder, except when you are asleep. If you are suffering from urinary incontinence, learning how to control your bladder can be of great help.

You must not hold your urine for too long, it can be harmful to you. It can allow excess bacteria to build up in your bladder and cause urinary tract infections. Therefore, it is important to strike the right balance between using the bathroom too often or not often enough.

If your urinary incontinence is severe, you can buy Confidence Club adult nappies Australia, to help avoid any leakage episodes.

Holding Techniques

If you want to rush to the bathroom too often, or there are certain things that can trigger the urge to use the washroom, here are some tips to lessen the urge:

  • Distraction Technique – this can include reading something, listening to music, or even making a phone call to a friend or family who will understand you just need to talk for a few minutes.
  • Remove Any Liquids In View – Liquids in view can act as a trigger to use the washroom. Hence, remove such triggers from your sight.
  • Shift Your Position – Changing your position like leaning slightly forward can sometimes take pressure off the bladder. It can reduce the feeling that you need to use the washroom. If you are not comfortable in this position, you can try something that suits your needs.

Some people with incontinence reduce the amount of fluid intake to lessen the times they go to the bathroom. Our bodies need fluids to stay healthy and prevent dehydration. A better way to deal with incontinence is to buy Confidence Club adult nappies Australia so that you wouldn’t have to compromise on your liquid intake and get dehydrated at the same time.

Summing Up

Bladder training is an effective technique to deal with incontinence, but you need to understand that you are likely to have some setbacks as well. If you keep trying you will succeed in having better control over your bladder, but if you don’t then you need to consult a doctor.