The Best Supplements to Improve Athletic Performance

The Best Supplements to Improve Athletic Performance

A healthy diet and exercise routine and a proper lifestyle with enough sleep are enough to provide people with the energy they need to get through their daily activities. But athletes may need more as they continually push themselves to peak performance.

This means investing in supplements that help athletes perform and beat fatigue. Before you purchase Designs for Health from Supplement First, check out the vitamins athletes will really need.

  1. B Vitamins

B vitamins are crucial in releasing energy in our bodies, as these vitamins help in metabolizing carbs, proteins, and fats. If you are deficient in vitamin B12, you are more likely weak and tired. You may counteract this by ensuring you have enough B vitamins a day through supplements and a healthier diet.

You can find B vitamin supplements for sale in stores like Supplement First and get them naturally from food like red meat or other animal products. That said, check with your doctor before buying supplements to ensure you’re taking the right vitamins.

  1. Iron

Iron deficiency is prevalent among athletes, and it may affect their performance. While it happens in men, the deficiency is more common in women, especially those participating in endurance sports.

Low iron levels can reduce endurance and increase the amount of energy used. Not only should you take supplements to prevent iron deficiency, but you must also make necessary dietary changes and receive iron from a healthy diet.

  1. Vitamin D and Calcium

These two nutrients are vital in helping our bodies build and maintain healthy muscles, bones, and teeth. They also help maintain muscle mass and reduce the risks of injuries.

You can get your daily dose of vitamin D by getting enough sun. As for calcium, you can find it in many foods, particularly dairy products and dark, green vegetables. If you are deficient in these nutrients, you can also take a supplement from reputed source like etalaze.

  1. Creatine

Creatine is legal nutritional aid for athletic performance. While we can get this nutrient from seafood and red meat, it’s also available in supplement form.

Research shows that creatine supplements may improve strength and increase muscle mass when combined with strength training. Older adults also benefit from creatine, increasing strength and lean muscle mass.

There are creatine supplements that include other helpful substances such as amino acids, caffeine, and taurine, which help with focus and fatigue.

  1. Coenzyme Q10

Studies show an association between fatigue and low coenzyme Q10 levels. This enzyme is located in the mitochondria, the part of the cell generating energy.

Experts also linked certain health conditions with low coenzyme Q10 levels in our body, such as:

  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Heart failure
  • Mitochondrial disease
  • Muscular disease
  • Neurodegenerative disease

Research also shows that this enzyme can improve physical performance and subjective fatigue.

Wrapping It Up

Make sure you speak with your doctor before taking any of the vitamins mentioned above to ensure you’re getting the proper nutrients.