Treatment Options For Sports Injuries

Treatment Options For Sports Injuries

There are many different treatment options for sports injuries, depending on the severity of the injury. For minor injuries, rest, ice, and elevation can be effective. More serious Westfield sports injuries may require physical therapy or surgery.

Some common sports injuries occur when the periosteum, the tissue that covers the bone, becomes irritated and inflamed. The most common symptom is pain along the outside of the shinbone.

  • Ankle Sprain: An ankle sprain is a common sports injury that can occur when you suddenly twist or turn. This can cause the ligaments in your ankle to stretch or tear. Ankle sprains can range from mild to severe.
  • Achilles Tendonitis is an inflammation of the Achilles tendon, a large rope-like tendon that runs down the back of your leg and connects to your heel bone. Overusing the Achilles tendon during activities such as running, basketball, and football can result in Achilles tendonitis. It is also common in people who are not used to regularly exercising.
  • Shin Splints are common injuries caused by overuse of the leg muscles. Shin splints cause pain inside or outside of your shinbone and tenderness to touch.
  • Groin Pull: A groin pull is a common injury when the muscles in your area are stretched or torn. This can happen during activities such as running, soccer, and hockey. Symptoms of a groin pull include pain in your groin area, inner thigh, or lower abdomen. You may also have swelling or bruising in this area.
  • Hamstring Pull: A hamstring pull is a common injury that occurs when the muscles in the back of your thigh are stretched or torn. Symptoms of a hamstring pull include pain in the back of your thigh, swelling, and bruising.

Now that you know the type of sports injuries, here is an explanation of the treatment options:

RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation

This is the most common treatment for sports injuries. Rest is vital to allow the injured area to heal. Ice can help reduce swelling and pain. You can use an Ace wrap or similar product, compression can also help reduce swelling. Finally, the elevation of the injured area above the heart level can help reduce swelling.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy can help restore the range of motion and strength to an injured area. A physical therapist can also suggest ways to prevent future injuries. Some exercises may be done at home, while others may require visits to the physical therapy office.


Surgery is sometimes necessary to repair a severe injury. For example, surgery may be required to repair a torn ligament or tendon. Surgery can also be used to remove damaged tissue or to realign bones.

After surgery, you will likely need to participate in physical therapy to help you recover.

Alternative therapies

Many alternative therapies can be used to treat sports injuries. These include acupuncture, massage, and chiropractic care. Some people find these therapies to help reduce pain and promote healing.


Several different medications can be used to treat sports injuries. These include over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen, aspirin, and prescription medications. Your doctor can prescribe the medication that is best for you, depending on the severity of your injury.

If you have a sports injury, it is important to see your doctor at Genesis Orthopaedic and Spine.