Why Your Loved Ones Should See an Adult-Gerontology Nurse Practitioner

Why Your Loved Ones Should See an Adult-Gerontology Nurse Practitioner

Do you have an older adult who needs constant attention due to old-age-related health complications? Caring for older family members strains the family, especially if most of the family members work or attend school. Therefore, you should consider hiring sarah phillips dnp, aprn, an adult-gerontology nurse practitioner who understands their needs. The practitioner works closely with older adults and helps them manage long-term health conditions such as diabetes and heart disease. Additionally, she offers evidence-based care, which is ideal for sick and old patients. Here are reasons to hire an adult gerontology nurse practitioner.

Management Of Long Term Illnesses

Long-term health conditions are difficult to manage without assistance from an adult gerontology nurse practitioner. The nurses will assess the disease symptoms and note the recommended medications for the health issue. Thus, they guide the patient and ensure they take the medications as recommended leading to improved health outcomes. Additionally, they ensure the medications are effective and may recommend a change if the drugs are not improving the health outcome for the patients.

They Offer Evidence-Based Care

The adult-gerontology nurse practitioners use evidence-based care to ensure the treatment approach improves their patients’ health. The evidence-based care follows a suitable treatment approach that has been tested and approved to improve health outcomes. Thus, nurses improve the health of older patients in the long run.

They Offload the Burden from the Family Members

Caring for a sick older family member might be taxing, which would be worse if the older adult is a wheelchair user. Some family members might miss some days at work or school when attending to older adults. Therefore, an adult gerontology nurse practitioner will offload the burden to the family members, increasing their productivity at work and school. Your family doesn’t need to worry about sick adults all the time if you seek the services of an adult gerontology nurse. 

They Help Older Adults Gain Navigate Their Environment

Older adults wish to maintain autonomy and make personal decisions, but this will be difficult due to deteriorating health. The nurse will restore their health, enabling the patients to gain independence. However, the nurses will help them navigate their environment if the treatments don’t improve their health. The nurses may recommend special stairways with wheelchair access and rails to help the older adults navigate their environment. They will engage in physical activity and evening walks, improving their physical health and strength.

They Improve Mental Health

The adult-gerontology treatments will improve health outcomes for older adults and result in a positive mental state. Additionally, the nurses may diagnose mental issues such as anxiety and memory loss in the early stages, making it possible to treat the mental problems. Thus, you should hire an adult gerontology nurse practitioner for an adult with issues such as memory loss and other degenerative mental conditions.

You should hire an adult gerontology nurse practitioner for older adults under your care as their health deteriorates with age. The nurse will offload the burden on your shoulders as caring for adults requires time and emotional investment. The adult-gerontology nurse practitioners use evidence-based treatments that meet the patient’s needs. Additionally, they work closely with several patients and will diagnose physical and mental health issues in the early stages leading to proper treatment. Additionally, they help older adults gain independence and allow them to make decisions on simple life matters, leading to improved mental health.