Facts About Dental Fillings

Facts About Dental Fillings

Dental fillings have to be the second most common procedure that is done after the standard health check-up. If you have trouble with your teeth, visit a Midlothian cosmetic dentist.

Here are some facts about filings!

  • Dental fillings are the oldest and most reliable form of dentistry.

A dental filling is known to be over 6,500 years old and was done with beeswax in Italy. This is the oldest form of dentistry ever recorded. 

  • About 175 million fillings are done every year.

According to the American Dental Association, about 175 million filings are performed annually in the United States. These operations cost anything between $88 to $350 per filing, according to a 2007 survey in the magazine of Dental Economics. So it is way more common than you think it is. 

  • Decay can still happen under the filing.

Old dental fillings can become worn out over time because of the constant biting and grinding and can crack under pressure. If this happens, the bacteria can enter the filling and form a cavity underneath your dental filling. You should visit your dentist regularly to avoid this. 

  • There are numerous types of dental filling materials used.

Years ago, silver amalgam filling was your only option. Although effective, they were visible to the naked eye. We have composite resin, the most commonly used filling material that matches your tooth color. 

The other materials used for filings are glass ionomer fillings, ceramic fillings, and resin ionomer filings. Depending on the nature of your cavity, your dentist will choose the filling material. 

  • Filings are rarely time-consuming.

Filings are not time-consuming and are primarily done in just one sitting. In this appointment, your dentist will use anesthesia to numb the region they will operate on and remove the cavity before filling it up with a filing. 

  • A cavity does not always need a filling.

Your cavity is filled on its size and not on its presence. Sometimes when the cavity has gotten worse, your dentist would not be able to fix it with just a filing, and you may need a dental crown in such cases. Your dentist may also choose root canal therapy, depending on the nature of your cavity. 

  • The cavity will keep on worsening without a filing.

This seems like a no-brainer, but cavities often go untreated and lead to severe problems. Cavities start small but end up eating your entire tooth, so getting it fixed soon will be your best option. Many times we cannot spot a cavity, but a dentist can, so you must have frequent visits to the dentist and preserve that sweet smile of yours.